Judges 6:12 "And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him, and said unto him, The LORD is with thee, thou mighty man of valour."
We could do several writings concerning Gideon, but we will try to limit it to
a couple days. The people of his day would work hard in preparing the land,
planting the seed, and maintaining their crops in anticipation of a great
harvest. But each year, the Midianites would come into the land just as it was
time for them to enjoy the fruits of their labors. This happened year and after
year because Israel had turned away from God in serving the gods of the land,
just as had happened on other occasions when God raised up deliverers (judges).
The people would see great multitudes of the Midianites, as grasshoppers, come
up with their animals to devour their crops. They began to cry out unto the
Lord - just as they had done on the other times when they had gone away from
In today's verse, the angel of the Lord speaks to a young man by the name of
Gideon. Gideon was just as the others in that he was hiding in the winepress to
thresh his wheat. He was hoping the enemy would not see him there and he could
have bread for his family. The Lord came to him with instructions that he was
to deliver the people from the hands of the Midianites. As most of us do,
Gideon began to give excuses as to why he could not possibly be the one to give
deliverance. He was from one of the poorest and smallest families. How could he
possibly lead the nation? After giving all the excuses, the Lord said to him,
"Go in this thy might, and thou shalt save Israel from the hand of the
Midianites: have not I sent thee?" (Judges 6:14) Had God not heard him? He
had just said he was of the smallest and poorest families. What could possibly
be his strength or might? The answer is found in today's passage: " The
LORD is with thee..."
It would be good if we could see ourselves as the Lord sees us rather than how
we feel about ourselves. Yes, our own strength is deficient to fight any of the
battles that we face; but, we should understand that we are mighty men and
women of valour in His eyes. The reason we are of valour is because the Lord is
with us. That is the might and power in which we are to face each day. We are
to be as the Lord told Gideon, "Go in this thy might..."