Proverbs 20:18 "Every purpose is established by counsel: and with good advice make war."
"Every purpose is established by counsel." We have a lot of
intentions, but are they good or bad? I don't mean are they intended to be
disobedient unto the Lord; rather, are my intentions aimed at accomplishing
something good. Do I give thought into the process of trying to put my
intentions into action? Solomon tells us that our intentions are made to be
good actions when they are "established by counsel." How often
do I seek advice before I attempt to do something? Do I start on a whim and
then hope that something good will come of it? It seems I have a lot of
questions this morning, but doesn't good counsel come as a result of asking
How do I go about receiving that counsel? Where do we go? I come back to the
thought of how necessary it is to practice the art of listening. I don't want
to ask someone to do something for me if they aren't even listening to me. I
also want to make sure that I seek counsel (advice and instruction) from
someone who has knowledge of the task that is before me. Our purposes
(thoughts, intentions) are established (settled, grounded) by seeking the help
of others. "With good advice make war." Yes, that can mean
going to battle, but it also carries the idea of setting about to complete a
task. It means putting forth the effort to complete a task. With good advice,
we count the cost. With good advice, we make a commitment and stay with it.
With good advice, we are victorious - even when our intention doesn't come to
its intended conclusion.
There is One who we can go to and find everything we need for each day. He is
the "Wonderful Counsellor." (Isaiah 9:6) He has "the tongue of
the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is
weary: he wakeneth morning by morning, he wakeneth mine ear to hear as the
learned." (Isaiah 50:4) We can go to Him for the instruction, direction,
and wisdom to complete any and every task that is given to us. "If any of
you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and
upbraideth not; and it shall be given him." (James 1:5)