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Daily Devotion: Exodus 2:23-25

Exodus 2:23-25    "And it came to pass in process of time, that the king of Egypt died: and the children of Israel sighed by reason of the bondage, and they cried, and their cry came up unto God by reason of the bondage. And God heard their groaning, and God remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob. And God looked upon the children of Israel, and God had respect unto them." 

The phrase “in the process of time” is significant. It indicates the passing of many years. The king that was in Egypt when Moses fled ruled Egypt for several years thereafter. It was this same king who had no regard for Joseph (Exodus 1:8) and greatly afflicted the children of Israel with rigorous bondage. 

The passing of this king did nothing to alleviate the suffering of the children of Israel. They groaned inwardly because of the weight of their burdens. That weight became so great they could not contain it. They were made to even cry out loud because of the suffering of it. 

They cried unto God out of their great suffering. Do not think that God was not aware of the burdens of the children of Israel. In their sufferings, they became aware of their need for God. When they knew their bondage was greater than they could bear, their cry came “up” unto Him.

God heard their inward groaning as well as their crying out loud. God had not forgotten His covenant with their forefathers. Rather, that God “remembered” this covenant indicates the time was at hand for Him to perform His work in bringing this promise to fruition. The children of Israel were no longer content in their bondage. 

God looked upon the children of Israel. He saw them in His promise to Abraham that He would make of him a great nation. He was ready now to begin to show them His care (respect) of them. God was going to do mighty things for them.

Dear ones, regardless of the trials we face, always remember that in the process of time, the king of Egypt (the source of our bondage) will pass away. That bondage is sometimes necessary in our lives to bring us to the place that we can confess that we are not able to deliver ourselves and we lift our cry to God. He always hears us, looks upon us, and cares for us. When we are moved out of bondage and into His service, we find a land of great promise here. May we be blessed to dwell in this spiritual land of grace until He calls us home!

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