Isaiah 12:2-4 "Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the LORD JEHOVAH is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation. (3) Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation. (4) And in that day shall ye say, Praise the LORD, call upon his name, declare his doings among the people, make mention that his name is exalted."
"Therefore with joy ye shall draw..." Do we have joy this
morning? I'm not talking about the word, joy. We can all pronounce it. We can
define it, to some degree. But do we have it? Does it rule in our lives? I'm
not talking about happiness. There are things in life that give happiness, but
in my opinion, there is only One Who can give joy and place it in our hearts.
True joy is the result of understanding that "God is my salvation."
He has saved me by His grace through the shed blood of my Lord and
Saviour, Jesus Christ. If I can hold to that precious truth, then I understand
that the well from which it flows is constant and never ending. I will draw
from that truth with great joy. Because of that joy, I "shall say,
Praise the LORD!" Honor and glory will come through me as I lift my
hands, heart, and voice toward heaven.
Isaiah keeps coming back to the words, "in that day." Praise
God that there is a beginning and an end to every valley through which we must
travel. We can draw water (refreshing) from the well even during the valley
experiences because it is constant and never ending. Because of our own
experiences at the well, we can "declare his doings among the people, make
mention that his name is exalted." It is my understanding that the Lord
grants His blessings to us in order that we can share the truth of those
blessings with others. As we look at these verses, we can make the following
statements from a heartfelt depth as we draw from His well of salvation.
"God is my salvation."
"I will trust Him."
"He is my strength."
"I have true joy in my heart."
"I will praise the Lord."
"I will declare His doings among the people."
I will exalt His name."