Exodus 21:1 "Now these are the judgments which thou shalt set before them."
This twenty-first chapter of the book of Exodus begins a litany of rules that the children of Israel were to be governed by. Many of these seem strange to us today, more-so to some than to others, depending on the society we are born into. Knowing that God inspired these things to be penned into His holy scripture assures me that they have meaning for us. I also know that I am not wise enough to see what it means except as the Holy Spirit grants understanding.
One thing is obvious. There are behaviors that God expects us to adopt toward one another that lead to living together peacefully. He is aware of every circumstance of the lives of His people, always has been and always will be. Not only is He aware, but He is involved.
These scriptures show us that He is not just the God of our so-called church lives. He is God in every aspect of our lives. He is the God of our treatment of those who hold a higher station in life, and He is the God of those the world considers to be of lower station. He is the God of our industry, whether that is the keeping of livestock or managing a bank. He has set a standard for His people to live up to, and He is no respecter of persons.
I can think of no better way to start this New Year than to do so acknowledging the sovereignty of the LORD our God. May we, as His children, strive to treat our families (both natural and spiritual), employees, employers, and the stranger on the street according to the judgements of God. Let us not be content to judge ourselves among ourselves (2 Corinthians 10:12). Rather, let us live according to our Standard, which is Jesus Christ!