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Daily Devotion: Isaiah 41:10

Isaiah 41:10      "Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness."

I know I say this often, but for today, this is one of my favorite verses in the Bible. Many years ago, I realized this verse was used as the second verse in the grand old hymn, "How Firm a Foundation." But even more than that, I love this verse because it is God's promise. He promised it to His chosen nation, Israel. But today, as I read it, I can be assured that He wrote it just for me - or you - or whoever finds comfort in this verse. That's the beauty of God's Word. It is written personally to each one who is searching for peace and comfort.

When I read electric meters, I was told many times to not be afraid when a dog would be charging at me.  I discounted those words because the owner really didn't know his dog well enough to absolutely assure me that it would not bite me. One man that I worked with, when told to act like he wasn't afraid, said, "Lady, if I was that good of an actor, I would be in Hollywood."  There isn't always a basis of fact when people tell us to not be afraid.  The words, "fear not," or a form of them, are used 331 times in 144 verses of the Bible. The reason I find comfort and assurance is because this is my Heavenly Father who tells me not to fear.  He then gives reason for me to be comforted. 

 How can I not be afraid? Reason number one states, "I am with thee." He has promised never to leave us. Reason number two states, "... for I am thy God." The basis for this is not found in me; rather, I can be bold in the fact that God Almighty, the Creator of this universe, is with me and He is my defender.  He has promised His strength and His help on my behalf each day. He has promised to hold me up when I am unsteady and to pick me up when I fall. This is my God and this is the reason that I can trust Him when He says, "Fear thou not."

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